Gambling Addiction – Signs and Symptoms of Problem Gambling

If you have a problem with gambling, you’re not alone. More people are turning to therapy to help them overcome their problem. This article explores the signs and symptoms of problem gambling and offers treatment options. Learn how you can prevent it before it becomes a serious issue. Here are some tips on how you can stop yourself from gambling. Listed below are the top ways to stop gambling and prevent it from becoming a problem. Keep reading to learn more.

Problem gambling

Gambling addiction affects tens of millions of people in the United States. Its causes are often unknown. Researchers have discovered that gambling causes similar brain changes as other forms of substance abuse. The American Psychiatric Association declared in 2013 that problem gambling is now a recognized disorder in the same family as opiate and alcohol addiction. While it is too early to make any broad generalizations about the impact of legalized sports betting, the rise in gambling addiction helpline calls reveals the rapid growth of the problem. It has far-reaching consequences on the gambler’s family and friends.

A recent study by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) has found that 2.2% of American adults suffer from some type of gambling problem. The results of the survey include those who bet regularly. In Connecticut alone, three staff members of the CCPG deal with approximately 58,000 problem gamblers. Those close to a struggling addict are in the direct path of up to one thousand other people. The first step in overcoming problem gambling is to seek professional help. There are numerous organizations, such as Gam-Anon, that offer support.

Signs of a problem

Often, gambling addictions look like drug addictions. They can manifest themselves in various ways, such as lying, staying up late, or stealing money. In the case of gambling addiction, a person may also lie about where they are, and they might even manipulate others, accusing them of being cheating or having a secret money habit. The more the behavior persists, the more serious it can be.

While gambling is a fun activity that can be enjoyable, it can be dangerous if it is a problem. Often, people with problem gambling can hide their behaviors and will go to extremes to cover up their behavior. They may lie about where they are, what they’re doing, and even what happened to their money. The best way to spot a gambling addiction is to recognize the warning signs and seek professional help immediately. If you are concerned about a loved one, try to keep a united front and encourage them to seek professional help. Love will go a long way in fighting a gambling addiction.


The prevalence of gambling addiction varies greatly across different ethnic groups. African Americans have a 0.9% lifetime risk of developing the disorder. Whites and Hispanics have a 0.4% lifetime risk. Gamblers are typically younger to middle-aged adults, and the risk increases for those with mental health problems. While there is no one specific cure for gambling addiction, there are various treatments for gambling addiction. To determine if you have a gambling problem, consult a doctor and a gambling addiction specialist.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most common form of treatment for gambling addiction. CBT seeks to modify the underlying thoughts and behaviors associated with gambling. The therapy involves learning and applying social skills, problem-solving skills, and relapse prevention strategies to reduce or eliminate the urge to gamble. It can be beneficial to seek out help for gambling problems if you have been suffering from this problem for some time. While it may seem like a daunting task, cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective way to overcome the problem.

Preventing a problem

The best way to prevent a problem with gambling is to practice responsible gambling. Responsible gambling involves reducing the risks of harm, but it also requires some effort. While some people gamble as a form of entertainment, others develop an addiction. There are several ways to help a person avoid developing a gambling problem, including education and addressing the social consequences of gambling. Fortunately, free help for gambling problems is available.