Gambling Addiction and Its Effects on Significant Others

The first step towards overcoming your gambling addiction is to decide to quit. You have to resist the urge to gamble and decide not to waste your money on it. Gambling requires money to take place, so it is important to get rid of your credit cards or let someone else manage them. You can even set up automatic payments from your bank to prevent gambling. Close your online betting accounts and only keep a small amount of cash on hand. It is important to have a limit on how much you spend and to stop accumulating more than you can afford to lose.

Problem gamblers can be addicted to drugs or alcohol

Some experts believe that gambling addiction is a family disease with a genetic predisposition. People with relatives who suffer from alcohol or drug addictions are at higher risk of developing the disorder as well. According to Nancy Petry, a professor of addiction studies at the University of Connecticut, there may be genetic and brain differences between problem gamblers and those addicted to other drugs. In addition, there are similarities between gambling and drug addiction in terms of the ways that these two conditions develop.

They may blame others for their behavior

Significant others are often harmed by the gambling behaviour of their partners. These spouses may try to hide or try to minimize the impact of the gambling on their relationship. Many of these spouses suffer from loneliness and isolation. Self-blame is an ongoing problem and is recognized as a pervasive harm. However, there are ways to reduce the impact on significant relationships. The following are some ways to make a gambler understand the harm he or she is causing others.

They may blame themselves for their actions

Problem gamblers’ significant others often suffer from isolation and self-blame. Sometimes, they even try to hide their partner’s gambling behavior. This behavior is often accompanied by repeated lying and secrecy. Despite repeated attempts to negotiate with their problem gambling partners, these people always lose. They may have a severely lowered self-esteem, and their children or partners may feel threatened by their behavior.

They may blame their families

If you’re worried about a loved one’s reaction to your problem gambling, you’re not alone. Problem gamblers can have devastating effects on the lives of their families and friends. There are ways to cope with their behavior instead of blaming their loved ones for their gambling addiction. Seeking help is a vital first step. If the problem has become too overwhelming to cope with on your own, consider seeking professional help. You might even be able to save your own life.